Izzy McDonald New York City Marathon 2024 Fundraising

Izzy McDonald New York City Marathon 2024 Fundraising

Hello! I need your help. I will be running my first marathon, the 2024 New York City Marathon, this fall on behalf of Commonpoint Queens. This incredible organization is dedicated to enriching lives and strengthening communities in the New York City area through a wide array of programs and services, including youth development, senior services, and social services. By supporting my run, you are helping fund these vital programs that truly make a difference in the lives of individuals and families in the five boroughs and beyond.


As a Brooklyn native, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to my community and make a positive impact. Running the marathon is not just a personal challenge, but a way to support a cause that is close to my heart. Commonpoint provides essential resources and opportunities to people from all walks of life, and your donation will help ensure that these services continue to thrive and expand.


This marathon is doubly special to me because I will be participating alongside my dad, who is running on behalf of a different organization. I have grown up watching my dad train for and compete in races, and it has always been a dream of mine to do so with him. I am excited to have him by my side for my first marathon.


Any contribution, no matter the amount, brings me closer to my goal and will go towards invaluable holistic resources for community members in the greater New York City area. I hope you will consider donating to the cause and helping me realize a lifelong aspiration.

Thank you!


Honour Roll


Sep 2, 2024
New York, US

“Go Bella!! Love you so!”


Pilar McDonald
Aug 26, 2024
California, US

“Go Izzy!!!”


Phoebe Hicks
Aug 18, 2024
New York, US

“Venmo donations from Brian, Maya, Harry, Maddie, Natalie, Hans, and Phoebe. Thank you all so much!”


Isabella McDonald
Aug 7, 2024
Connecticut, US

“Go Izzy go!!! <3”


Abby Marriott
Aug 6, 2024
New York, US

“Go Izzy! youve got the genes and the legs for it! xoxo”


julie stout
Aug 6, 2024
Colorado, US


Artie Carpenter
Aug 6, 2024
New York, US

“so proud of you! you are going to crush it!”


Porter Hollen
Aug 6, 2024
Rhode Island, US

“Good luck Izzy!!”


Elsa Choi-Hausman
Aug 6, 2024
New York, US

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10 donors
48 days left

Fundraiser created by
Isabella McDonald


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